What year was the battle of Little Bighorn fought?
Correct answer: 1876

MC Merci
I'm glad they got the details on this one correct. On another question Custer is noted as General, except that he was decommissioned after the Civil War.
This is important to me because I'm an enrolled tribal member of the Oglala Lakota Oyate (Oglala Sioux Tribe - the same tribe as Chiefs Crazy Horse & Red Cloud & Crazy Horse's cousin, the Medicine Man, Black Elk). My great-great-great grandfather, Chief Standing Elk, died at the Battle of the Greasy Grass.

Player OG FOOT
custer, just another power mad, racist white man. sm letters as befiting a small man.

MC Merci
An excellent source is "Crazy Horse & Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors" by the famed American historian Stephen E. Ambrose.

I visited the site of the battle, Wounded Knee and the Crazy Horse monument amongst other sites during a tour of USA a few years ago. As a white European I am ashamed of the atrocities that were brought upon the indigenous people of America.

Player Say what!?
MC Merci, Wow. I could talk with you for hours!! I've been to the Crazy Horse sculpture and know it's going to be magnificent. The Dustin Hoffman movie depicted the story very well and I guess it's a true story as he's mentioned

A major part of spreading the myth of Custer was his wife, Elizabeth Bacon Custer. She did not die until 1933, and she spent her life promoting the false history of “Custer’s Last Stand.”

new info for me.thanks

You should have finished it.

MC Merci, I beg to differ, ONE important detail is it was NOT a last stand. According to testimony of Lakota and Sioux. They ran for their lives and tried to surrender.

Player Say what!?
I didn't get to finish, dang it. The movie was Little Big Man and he was mentioned on a plaque in S. D.