Where was frozen concentrated orange juice developed?
Correct answer: USA

Daybonn, I grew up in Kissimmee Fla. and drank a lot of it. I loved the frozen concentrate pink lemonade! And we had fresh oranges, lemons, pink and yellow grapefruit, tangerines, figs (a huge tree that produced about a gallon of figs a day) navel oranges, Parson Browns, Valencia’s, 3 big stands of Bananas, and a huge beautiful Avocado tree that my mom grew from a seed. It never produced due to the fact that there were no other Avocado trees close enough to propagate. A hard freeze killed it. Our neighbor had Guava trees. We were so blessed. I never even ate them. Picked a lot for my grandma and juiced them on an old fashioned juicer,not electric. Wish I could find it now. Things we take for granted when we are young... and long for in our older years!

gatorpaw23, You have some beautiful memories. Thanks for sharing a few with us.

gatorpaw23, I think those are some beautiful childhood and family memories. Florida does produce a lot of delicious citrus and other fruits for the rest of us across the country to enjoy. I buy the frozen juice of Florida oranges. all the time Fry's grocery store.

Mars V
In the grocery store, pick them by weight.
Heavy = full of juice
Light = dry and yucky

Vodka and orange!

gatorpaw23, My very favorite fruit is an Orange! There’s nothing like going into the Orchard & slicing open a juicy orange! I

quicksilver, is this about eggs, cos the question ain't??

happydoghappycat, what is wrong with fresh orange juice? Cos apparently it's better for you!

i live from usa😃

micron9999, probably because it's homogenized.

One thing I've noticed is that OJ made from concentrate always seperates but store bought OJ in a jug never seperates if it's not made from concentrate. I wonder why?

millwallmarty, I used to suggest she got lost, then I realised that all she is looking for is a reaction. Don't feed her and perhaps she'll fade away!

ConsequentDessert10, duck, goose, ostrich

I remember hearing that one of my teachers husband invented frozen orange juice.
It was the late 1960’s and we were living in a north Chicago suburb.