Which of these is an inability to speak?

Correct answer: Mutism

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
Player #4250921
Player #4250921
I know a few people that I'd rather not hear them speak
AnitaGeddaLife, believe it or not our little rescue dog mamed marshall we have had for 10 yrs now does communicate for instance if we ask him of he wants a treat he shakes his head yes. but if you ask him if he wants his nail clipped he shakes his head no ! He has brought so much joy to our lives .Words can't explain
toe jam
toe jam
Damwic , if I were mute l would text all day long. this would be the greatest invention ever invented to me.
little b
little b
I'm not a mutism person
Most people that are mute do use sign language instead
Player #4250921, such as certain politicians
Babitt, that's awesome!I love to hear stories like that
Lover Unicorn
Lover Unicorn
Didn't want you in my world but you were the only one that could have been in love for you to be with us 💜
Immediately taught of Rasj in TBBT with his selective mutism towards women.
I had selective mutism when I was a Kid. I only talked to my mother and my best friend. I was unable to speak in larger groups or people who terrefied me, thats what I thought.
Player #6048345
Player #6048345
Player#MaBe, this picture of a woman looking like she is shocked she cannot speak is wrong. Being mute is not a disability. Sign language is my second language, I can hear and speak fine. Sign language should be taught, and mutism would then be no issue.
hannah #myself for l
hannah #myself for l
same here
Proforgo, tee hee, I got it..good one
Years ago, I believe someone who could not speak was referred as