What name does Eminem (Marshall Mathers) also go by?
Correct answer: Slim Shady

King Crittenden
one of the greatest rapper ever

Player #25874027
Player #10381263 ber,
Is there such a thing as a better rapper ?

I’m slim shady yes I’m the real shady all you other slim shady are just Imitating

I know a lot about Eminem! I’ve studied stuff on him. He was my idol. Love him!

Back in the day when I first heard him and the stuff he was doing on stage I thought it’s just another gimmick to sell records, after actually sitting down and listening to his lyrics I changed my mind almost immediately, powerful voice, he’s a poet that has used the experience’s around him to tell his stories and he is up there with the best, so glad I gave him a chance.

King Crittenden, what a joke. Great at what. Named after chocolate candy that melts in your mouth not on your hands

One of my all-time favourite singer/rapper

King Crittenden, I my opinion , the best.

A True Story Teller with a Powerful Voice n Genius with linguistics because his flow n cadence is superior and DISTINCTIVE!! Love his way of making you see his story through his bars Stay strong Slim Shady

Slim's one sixth of D12.
my band,aid!

mom's spaghetti 🍝

Love him, an excellent talent like no other...

The Stew
I Stan for Em!! ❤️

Motto, my daughter and her friends introduced me to his music. 🥰

fastest rapper

Player #4181672
Player Cosmo Chic, I love him too! ❤️ I’m not much of a rapper either though!