What makes bread crust brown?
Correct answer: Melanoidin

I wanted to answer toaster

I guessed because melanin makes your skin darker.

Player #25874027
Stop confusing the pictures with the question.
They are irrelevant ; do you really need a picture of a crust of bread to be able to answer?

Miss Sue
RockNRollMama82, Yup, me too.

Player #25874027, so glad my bread does not look like that!

Player #25874027, I prefer if the picture doesn't give away the answer- takes the challenge and fun out of it.

smarty pants
ls the brown crust good. a lot of people take it off before they eat it.

Maillard was French, pronounced ma'yar

Player #3138816
flipEfloyd, I wondered that too ???

Player Ejag
Diver Dan, Couldn’t agree more!😧