Which mammal is in the picture?
Correct answer: Narwhal

Am so happy to be a participant of this quiz. Everyday i learn something new, something unique, which we would otherwise disregard in our fast paced lives. Thank you developers. A big Namaste coming from India

Player #96919
Player #1418135, I had never seen or heard of them until a few years ago, I watched a documentary about them

Player #1418135
First time to here of this whale. You learn something every day

One of my granddaughter 's favourite animals.

can't mistake the narwal's long tusk, love em'

Also known as the “Unicorn of the Sea”.

Player #3532789, yes they do use it as a spear at times, but scientists have other theories as well. I saw a program on National Geographic where they were featured.

If you have a decent natural museum somewhere near you it is almost certain it will have a narwhal tusk as an exhibit.

I wonder why it's the upper left canine & not the right? Does this mean the tusk is not directly in the middle? Would love to see one in the flesh 😍 😀 😄

Believe it or not but I just said that out loud. They are VERY BEAUTIFUL CREATURES 😍 ❤.

Narwhals use their tusks for tracking prey. When located, they swish it rapidly back and forth in the water to disorient the prey, then they tap the fish to stun it. The tusks are also thought to be attractive to Narwhal females.

Cap’n Patch
Player #3532789, sometimes, as defensive weapon against sharks and other predators.

Player #138752561
Player #1418135, Norwalk horn or tooth is what was once thought to be a unicorn tusk.

Cat Mom
It is not a rope but it is the Narwhal's (Whale and therefore a mammal not a fish) tusk.

it looks different from the other choices.

I’d love to see a narwhal. Everyone that sees a picture that I’ve asked what this was and if they knew what this was never knew what it was. I told them what it was.

Cat Mom
Does anyone else notice the line or rope that the fish is attached to?

Player #120374466
I had heard of them but never knew of their diet. These whales like halibut like I do, but its too expensive !

lol I learned this from watching Paw Patrol with my 6 year old Grandson.

Ah yes, the fabled unicorns of the sea and in our children's fairytale stories...

Okie Razorback
Socrates, And from Oklahoma. Love this game.

We would get along well together. I love halibut and cod.

Aradlaw, and mine

what do they do with the tusk ?
what is its purpose?

Player #25874027
Any clue on the other theories

Play Gramma B
Player Cosmo Chic, unscrupulous people used to sell the tusks to naive people as unicorn horns.

Player #3532789
I thought he had a stick in his mouth! Odd angle for a tooth! And way too long to use it to eat surely! Does he use it as a spear?