Where in Europe is considered to be one of the last known habitations of the Neanderthals?
Correct answer: Gorham's cave

Player #4250921
And all this time I thought Washington DC was the last known habitation of Neanderthals. Oh wait, i can't use that joke because it might be offensive to the real Neanderthals.

millwallmarty, Hey, I'm Canadian and would love to have "loonies, loonies everywhere." If you Americans don't get the joke, my fellow Canucks will.

Fun guy
so... all 4 caves are part of the answer.

not so sure.. I lived in a frat house in Pennsylvania in the 80s.. 🙄

Player Bengal Mama
Primrosepath, my husband recently had his DNA tested. He is 4 percent neanderthal and twenty percent north African, also southern Italian, french, Irish and Portuguese. a citizen of the world. I love it. None of our ancestors were sub anything, just pilgrims on a very long path. Love one another.

Player Bengal Mama, I think many, many people have some Neanderthal DNA. I read that 60 percent of their DNA remains scattered throughout the human genome.Their immune system helps us stay healthy still. I feel proud of my little bit of Neanderthal ancestry. It means they are still among us in some way, and that's how it should be.

Primrosepath, Racism is so morally wrong. It makes me physically ill.

The DNA of Europeans and Asians are 4-6% Neanderthal but somehow Black people were always called the subhumans and we have none... things that make you go hhhmmm.

new info for me.thanks

Miss Sue
Simon, Cross breeding must of been way fun. 😉

Simon, The book was much better.

Player #4250921, hehehe 😆

Player #4250921, 😂

Player #4250921, You got that one CORRECT!

Clan of the Cave Bear is great movie that explains the crossover period of Neanderthals and Cro Magnums and during that time cross breeding occurred.

Player #4250921, 🤣

Player #4250921, good one.lol

Fun guy, seems like it!!

read the question wrong... should've read more carefully

El Pedro
Vijia cave

Player #28060506
dan...-, That wasn't a monkey

Player #25146362
didn't the bible have dragons in it,before they got edited out ?

I can't see Lily's post, but I assume what it was from some of the very well put replies. ☺

Laudy Miss Claudy
lily 21, The writing is literally on the wall, Lily.

Destino Manifesto
lily 21, Google it.