In which Shakespearean play would we find the vengeful Jewish moneylender Shylock?

Correct answer: Merchant of Venice

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
Player #10628065
Player #10628065
The quality of twice blessed. It blessed him that gives and him that received.
I am Italian and part Jewish (my great grandparents on both sides were Jewish refugees from Hungary and Romania, originally) so this is a story that resonates strongly with me. The treatment of Shylock is racist, anti semitic and prejudiced. But we are judging fictitious events from around 400 years ago. we can't condemn matters then, by the standards of today... Today, this would be utterly unacceptable, not to mention, illegl
Player #14192708
Player #14192708
Shakespeare's ode to Western European anti semitism.
The anti semitism card isn't working the way it used to. People are finally waking up.
I absolutely loved Portia from this play!
just recalling is the story goes as per the will a pound of flesh could be taken but a drop of blood shouldn't be shed
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
I remember reading this in high school.
Player elguapo
Player elguapo
JGCROM5, for God's sake... don't any Christian text😮