Which branch of the US military guard the 'Tomb of the Unknown Soldier' in Arlington, Virginia?
Correct answer: United States Army

Tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat.

landa201888, I am very proud to be affiliated with the Tomb Guards. I have done over 100 military funerals.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
The Changing of the Guard was indeed a very moving sight to see & feel. It pulls your own personal patriotism & your deepest emotions to the forefront. It's hard to describe, it must be seen to be completley appreciated.

Nashville Bound
UnhingedSecret27888, thank you for your service🇺🇸

Player #23299988
I served 26 yrs total in the military!

Player Darius
UnhingedSecret27888, My son felt it an honor after he came back from Desert Storm. God bless you.

Lest we forget.

57 Condor
SAC69, you should walk in their shoes before making dumb comments

grumpy old man
grumpy old man
When I was in RCMP Depot Division training I was part of the Sunset ceremony that was done every evening during the summer months. I know it's not the same thing as guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier, which would be a great honour, but I feel honoured to have been a part of this ceremony.

stashio2020, thank him for his service

Thought it was guarded by the Marines, which is a branch of the Navy. Learned something new

DisasterP2, thank you for that.

DisasterP2, thank you

billybob, I heard that is not actually true.

DisasterP2, Thank you so VERY MUCH.

I has watched the changing of the guards along with a historical explanation of what the guards go. Fantastic and I thank them!

Player #44661551
I never knew this but what a great honour provided for the unknown brave soldiers definitely somewhere I'd like to visit when next in the US

It's an emotional sight to see

I did not know about them not wearing their rank, so as to not outrank the unknown. (still sniffing)

they are also required to swear off alcohol for the rest of their lives

very best

Player #14323252
This is not a walk in the sunshine assignment. Rain...sleet...snow.
Super hot or cold.
Day and night.
So glad they feel it
is an honor.

SAC69, I do

interesting to know

lily 21, I'm sorry lilly but is there anything you or your husband haven't done.