Which comet is the only known short-period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth?
Correct answer: Halley's Comet

Hale-Bopp was visible to the naked eye for a year and a half.

miss it 1986.would love to live long enough to see it when it returns

Player Elf Counsel
Graham Y.N.W.A. 2, Yes. Most people have the chance to see it once in their lifetime.

A bit anti climactic for me as a 9yr old in 1986 in New Zealand as clouds ruined a good view. Will look forward to another chance of a glimps in 40 odd years.

My grandmother lived 103 years, and saw it twice. Loved that woman ❤️.

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
short period. meaning it's return date. Hale bop is next here in another 2000 yrs or so. Think halleys is about every 75
Y.N.W.A. JFT96

little b
I've not heard of the Halley's comet

Player #137839128
swear it's hades comet

Bajan, I hear you, I was 17 then, definitely was a better time

That's awesome flying at night.

I am not a number.
Sophie & Puma, REGULAR is correct. You're thinking of the usage of "regular" which means "often". In this case it is the usage which means "existing or happening repeatedly in a fixed pattern, with equal or similar amounts of space or time between one and the next".

86 years is a short period?!

Player #2512936
Every time there is Something interesting in My area it is cloudy.

Manahil Saad Rana
I thought ice land would go there

Player #28529990
Those like Halley, with orbital periods of between 20 and 200 years and inclinations extending from zero to more than 90 degrees, are called Halley-type comets not short period comets.

Halley's Comet is not REGULARLY visible. Every 75 years.

Player #27068920
that's great, super great

Bajan, me and you both

From which locations can one get to see it? I winder...

* Seshati *
Just 41 yrs away no biggie lol!

ElementalBurn4, Hale-Bopp was a sight to behold @

It seems that certain comets only appear to the pure of heart.

hale bop was visible in the southwest

ElementalBurn4, I can tell you that Haley’s comet was barely visible in the low southern sky. It was nothing more than a fuzzy blob. And a Small blob at that. Very disappointing!!I was pretty sure Hale-Bop had a long gorgeous blue tail and was easy to spot in the NW or NNW sky at dusk.