What is vertigo?

Correct answer: Dizziness

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What people think about it: 38 Comments
UnopposedYogi27101, I really sympathise with you I had a similar feeling for a week it was an inner ear infection but I felt like someone had taken over my brain thank God it only lasted a week. Hope you recover.
UnopposedYogi27101, Bummer. I'm sorry. Persist.
UnopposedYogi27101, I understand completely as I have had similar for 12 years now. I was diagnosed with bppv, but I look on that as a cop out by doctors. My condition never been properly diagnosed. Going to see a specialist next week!
I've been plagued with Vertigo for years. though not constant it is still annoying.
Player #17060917
Player #17060917
My girlfriend have it ,i hope she and everyone that have it to find a cure.Stay positive ✊
Player #8737205
Player #8737205
I went through this a few months ago i was at my cousin's house i couldn't even get up off her couch i ended up going to the emergency room it was very scary
Player Darius
Player Darius
UnopposedYogi27101, Bless you darlin. And maybe his plan is for you to enlighten us all as you are doing.
Player #9113963
Player #9113963
God bless all who have this difficulty. I can only imagine. you are all so strong. my friend had been dizzy awhile and a doctor said for her to lie down then sit up and held her head firmly and quickly turned her head side to side and this worked..something to do with the inner ear canal I think. admire your faith!!! I've prayed for all of you tenderly.
Player #13412604
Player #13412604
UnopposedYogi27101, I know exactly what you are going through. I use to be able to walk miles, now I do well to walk down my hall. Feel like a pinball bouncing off my walls.
Player #11012362
Player #11012362
I have it all the time. Especially when laying down. I HATE IT
Puma Girl
Puma Girl
UndauntedHesitation6, I'm hoping you can finally get some results!!!!
little b
little b
i dont have vertigo
thanks for teaching us
nerdmom660, Focus My simpaty with you all
First time I had it, it lasted 9 months.
vertigo is also associated with Mercury poison, caused from long term almagram fillings, that contains Mercury. please research the symptoms of Mercury poison! it is very serious and the symptoms are real
Player #36091216
Player #36091216
UnopposedYogi27101, hope some day this will no longer be
I have been diagnosed with vertigo it's a horrible feeling sometimes when I'm walking I feel dizzy & I have to stop walking I take a few steps & some times I can't feel my steps it an awful feeling I wouldn't wish that on anybody
When it is only a temporary thing it can be caused by the “crystals “ in your ear getting out of place. Sometimes I’d wake up & feel like the whole room was going around. If the out of alignment is the problem, it’s an easy fix that you can do yourself. Look it up. I’m so sorry that you are plagued with the dizziness at all times.
UnopposedYogi27101, so sorry. praying for you
Player #30408675
Player #30408675
I teared up reading the comments...I have what I can only refer too as' stress induced vertigo '..pretty much self deduced because noone can give me answers ...I can relate to so many comments...I can't work ..someday walking is an obstacle course.. and I have a daughter with severe mental health issues so its like a perpetual cycle of misery ..thank God for my faith though there are days when it i feel so hopeless and defeated and over the pain of this life 😔
Player #31395577
Player #31395577
Player #17060917, thank you God bless you
Player #27784427
Player #27784427
UnopposedYogi27101, so sorry you are going through this...I was diagnosed with Meniere's, and my life is pretty much like yours...stay strong!!!
Player #31860526
Player #31860526
I started suffering from Vertigo in my 30s I don’t wish this on anyone..it’s awful.
My partner an her mom both have that, an they take meds for it an it helps, thank God.
I have vertigo... I can't control myself... There's everything spinning and I always bump into things i also had Axiety.. It was so hard for all of it.. I hope it doesn't happen again or Forever!
Princess RouRou♡
Princess RouRou♡
GREAT Explanation
Player #3138816
Player #3138816
UnopposedYogi27101, That's is a tough one !! But your positive attitude will help you get through
UnopposedYogi27101, I'm sorry I hope life's good for you now :)
This app is awesome
unopposedyogi27101, that is so 😥 sad!!!
Player #17824112
Player #17824112
Player #11012362, try lying on the opposite side that is affected
Player #17824112
Player #17824112
Player #16473797, i was out of work for 2 weeks once and didn't drive for one more...
Player #17824112
Player #17824112
UnopposedYogi27101, i also have vertigo...i take a very low dose of Diazepam...it works most of the time however when i feel it coming on i do the manuvers that really helps..
Great U2 song ♥️
Player #13412604
Player #13412604
UndauntedHesitation6, I have had this too for 11 years. No doctors have an answer for me either. Called me an anomaly. Was exposed to carbon monoxide, but the doctors don't want to believe that had something to do with it since they are not familiar with long term exposure. I was breathing this gas for 2 years before I found my furnace was leaking.
Player #13412604
Player #13412604
UnopposedYogi27101, The same thing happened to me in 2009. I saw 5 doctors in 2009. Not one could tell me either, two were neurologist. I have had two MRIs 10 years apart and saw a different neurologist, still no answer. I finally to a PHD at Wake Forest Baptist because I started having uncontrollable rapid eye movement's. he put me through various test and said I was an anomaly. FYI, my symptoms were like some exposed to carbon monoxide. I found out in 2011 that my gas furnace was slowly emitting carbon monoxide.