Which month does summer in Australia begin?
Correct answer: December

depends where you are in oz but 30 degrees is somewhat conservative estimate for maximum temp.... it's hotter than that !

Information is most definately flawed. Many days in summer are above 30 - in fact here in Australia we get quite a few days of 40+.

Player #13107647
Majority of days in summer in Australia are over 30 degrees Celsius.

What part of Australia only gets to 30°C in summer?? Tell me and I'll move, because 30°C in summer is cool! We're having 45°C days here.

Player #14785627
I was in Australia December 2019 and it was rarely below 30!

Samualviv Mulleese
Player #7832728, yep, here in Queensland on the first day of winter (June) it can (and usually is) warmer than uk

Player #16684875
Someone needs do do their fact checking! You would rarely get a day under 30 in any State during the Australian Summer

I spent two years on Northwest Cape in Western Australia when I was in the Navy. I do not remember ever having a daytime temp under 35°C ever. It was usually a lot hotter, but it was so dry (under 20% humidity) it didn't feel as hot as a Florida summer does with 82% humidity.

little b has obviously been to Australia because she didn't say "i havent been to this country" 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😜

we also have a wet and dry in the north

Even the southern states in Australia get days over 40oC - give a thumbs down to this question and incorrect answer so that it may get rectified.

They call me Trinity
Quiz Master, no it doesn't. Brisbane still has 4 seasons.

Australian summers are very dry and hot with temperatures in the northern states usually above 36 degrees Celsius and often in the 40's

mick dundee
Uninitialized, bottom of Tasmania perhaps but even that I doubt

Player #16273073
dimja, definitely get to the 40s!

Player #17575163
Yes the temperature gets above 40 degrees in Australia in summer

Quiz Master
In Brisbane, summer starts in September and ends in April. Most of Australia does not have only 3 months of summer.

Player #3429927
dimja, 86 degrees fahrenheit

Dry season in Oz is also the "fire season"

Yes, it's not even summer yet, and it will be 45 in some towns next week.

very hot summers now with global warming... raging fires even close to cities... climate crisis? Yes

Player #7832728
wow amazing how opposite to uk seasons