How many personalities did William Stanley Milligan have?
Correct answer: 24

Peter Montgomery
lily 21, the mind is a complex organ and it's the combinations of nature and nurture that form us. if a vulnerable child from early years forms coping mechanisms of different personalities then it is a tragedy they had to endure such pain.

Player #8913120
Neiko, You are a survivor, a strong person. Here's to you. Bless you and I hope your future can compensate for what you have been through.

Iwonder, one can inherit mental illness just like one can inherit green eyes. But circumstances early in one's life shape the person.

Player Gigi #28446253
Neiko, What a terrible upbringing. Your personality and your mind are incredibly strong. I feel so sorry for your struggle in life. I will pray for your future. Your story touched my heart.

Wow! It's a very sad situation. It's not like he woke up one day and said, "I'll have 24 different personalities". Mental illness is no fun and is inherited. I know because my siblings and I all have Clinical Depression while my nephew has what our mom had, Bipolar Disorder.

Player #29219499
Neiko, everyone is different. some people are mentally stronger than others, therefore allowing them to handle stress better than others. most people are more frail than they will acknowledge.

"Sybil," book and movie starring Sally Field, is another case of multiple personalities.

lily 21, of course it can be caused by circumstances. inheritance can be a factor but so are circumstances.

Player Lady Nana
I wonder why know one noticed these personalities,not even teachers?

Neiko, you are very brave

Miss Sue
Amazing. I have have a hard time keeping up with just one.

Neiko, go strong never give up!!!

Player #8913120, I'm sure God played a part in her having survived. Good for you Neiko!

This is a very rare disorder and on the BPD spectrum of personality disorders. Not everyone who is abused will develop Dissociative Identity Disorder. For the few that do it is not what videos on YT make it out to be. It is not a fun party trick. It is often the client who is exploited and victimized, living lives with confusing gaps in time as the core often does not know they have alters. My BIL is going through integration therapy to treat his DID.

Neiko17, perhaps the severity is different, and not everyone is mentally strong 🤦

Player Lady Nana, It's not as easy to recognize as one might think. I was in college with, and had the same major as someone who has since been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. It seems obvious now, but at the time we all thought she was just different.

As I went up the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away....

Neiko17, Good for you that you survived.

JellyBaker, such a great book and movie

Neiko17, unfortunately some victims are as mentally strong as you are, and rely on other measures to get through

Player #50531971
Player Lady Nana, somebody did notice, otherwise we wouldn't know it started when he was five. but probably not teachers as one personality goes to school in most cases of this kind

RockNRollMama82, I sold group health insurance for many years. Groups that had 20 employees or more could opt out of this coverage. I have family history of mental health problems that had to be inherited just as my diabetes. I am grateful for Obama Care and Medicare, now covering this area of health care. I am also glad the the "climate" has changed where, at least some people, understand that is NOT a person's choice.

Ida Quitorio Martirez
Neiko17, a very strong personality

Player Lady Nana, I doubt they knew as much about this as we do. They might think he was bad or had bad parents. Neighbors may have gossiped about it, but they probably didn't have the resources we have now.

Neiko17, God Bless you Neiko. For most of us from normal families with stable parents who lived together lifelong and happily passed away leaving behind a rich legacy for 4 of us siblings, it’s not possible to fathom what you went through.

RockNRollMama82, the answer is yes. Even the effects of trauma can be passed from parent to child. Look up “epigenetics” to learn more.

Stephanie Eugenie Daigle
Neiko17, everyone deals with trauma differently...

Neiko17, absolutely agreed! We are on the same boat :)

Player #43223203
I have to. say my son and I deal with mental illness every day it's a horrible way to live

Player #39899960
Dolphin, inevitable??? still wondering

Life sometimes is full of sufferings. Its consequences differ depending on where you are and what type of persons you meet along life's road. If one is lucky enough, there's a possibility of survival...but if not...defeat is inevitable.

Tina's twin
did he at least go to mental health facility??

Neiko17, 🤗

Player #34037008
Nature vs’s an ongoing debate...

Player #9722577
Peter Montgomery, I agree

Player #19688789
I live with my husbands 15 year old to have multi personalities.. one of the personalities wants to kill me with my own knives.. other personalities bite them selves and act crazy and lock themselves in closets...Trust me living with somebody with multi personalities who is suicidal and dangerous is terrifying

Neiko, well done trooper!u must hv a powerful mind to remain sane n keep it intact😊

Player #21374632, I want to give you a hug 😔

Neiko, lucky you then

Player #21374632
Neiko, me too