What was Tutankhamun's original name?

Correct answer: Tutankhaten

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
It doesn't explain the reason for his change of name. That his father Akenaten, introduced the worship of the Aten. The sun disk. On his death the country went back to worshipping Amun.
Sunne Draca
Sunne Draca
It was the practice for the pharaoh and their family to keep the royal and divine line together, so many siblings were married. He married his half sister Ankhesenamun. It’s also part of the reason their bloodline suffered from many syndromes. Definitely worth reading more into as Tutankhamun was not a very rich or profound ruler, his tomb only lucky for its smaller riches to not be found and plundered.
Fusion blaze
Fusion blaze
Who else got this question correct
Player Elf Counsel, too drastic a change for such a short period of time. Other than the Israelites, the idea of only one deity was revoloutionary.
Lady of the Lake
Lady of the Lake
Player Elf Counsel, I was wondering about that so thank you!
no blaze he was 18 when he died
in fact I already have that in my literature book so I can't get this wrong
blaze, Sorry Blaze, totally wrong!
Anil Gautam
Anil Gautam
i heard in night moon series ☺️
Fusion blaze, I did, but I guessed it
the "ay" made me chuckle lol
It’s The Dragon
It’s The Dragon
Sure, his original name was‘Ay’. Makes a lot of sense.
mj lover king of pop
mj lover king of pop
King tut and all the other Egyptians families were complicated
Player #10589330
Player #10589330
Death mask of tutankhamen