How many loaves and fish did Jesus have before he multiplied them?
Correct answer: 5 loaves and 2 fish

Last Supper and Loaves and Fishes miracle were at different times according to the Bible. Feeding of the 5,000 was outside and the Last Supper was in a disciple's house with only 12 disciples present. Question needs editing!!

Laudy Miss Claudy
Oh no! This question and is completely wrong. The loaves and fishes have nothing to do with the Last Supper as any practicing Christian would know. And even the explanation of the consecration of the bread and wine by Jesus is incorrect.

Conservative Hippie
I thought something was wrong here.... glad it’s not just me that was thinking it! Lol

Player #19719147
Ummm... Nevermind you all said it already....

can we have another option other than "flip a tile hint"

Player #63046978
very poor research, should be taken off

Player #13238323
Loaves and fishes was the Sermon on the Mount.

Player #52878863
question does need changing as the loaves & fish were not part of the last supper story,but Jesus feeding the 5000

Player #25874027, Silly🙃

2 incidents. Second one (feeding the 4000) started with 7 loaves and a few fish, but none of the quiz answers had 7 loaves.

Player #25874027
Those Apostles had huge appetites.
Doesn’t even mention dessert

Player #24358685
VividPotion6704, the loaves and fishes contains many references to what is later revealed in the Last Supper. That said, I agree that it needs editing, or a little more about the loaves and fishes.