What in Christianity is not related to "The Passion"?
Correct answer: Raising Lazarus from the dead

Millwallarty & Seshati... Never forget that He died for you.

Organic Dude
FreshMango, DNA is not made of protein strands. DNA is made of base pairs. Otherwise your second comment is cool 😎

and I am correcting my first comment as "from the dead You raised Lazarus..."

I forgot to say that the raising of Lazarus took place the day before Christ enter triumphically in the city of Jerusalem. For this reason is connected to the Passion and the Great Week (Holy Week) .

The Lazarus resurrection IS connected to the Passion of Christ in the Orthodox tradition.
A hymn says "the common resurrection before Your passion showing, from the dead
You got standing Christ our God ...etc" any other theory is haeretic !