What is not an Abrahamic religion?
Correct answer: Buddhism

Ali *Regulus* Mirza, exactly. Israel was a descendant of Abraham, so Abraham couldn't be an Israelite. The answer is wrong on many levels

Ali *Regulus* Mirza
"...claim descent from the Judaism of the ancient Israelites..."??? What ignorance!!! Islam DOES NOT do that. Abraham—the ancestor of Arabs, Hebrews and other Semitic peoples—from whom Islam claims spiritual descent, couldn't be, and WASN'T an 'Israelite', or an adherent of 'Judaism'. Judaism may be the basis of Christianity, but definitely not of Islam, and the similarities between the two are due to their common Abrahamic, and even Noahide, roots. Neither faith considers Christians monotheistic, FTR.

can't believe some ppl clicked Christianity