As of 2018, 'Kopi luwak' is said to be one of the most expensive type of what?
Correct answer: Coffee

Who figured this out? Using beans from animal feces is unhygienic and desperate. Poor animals being force- fed for such a disgusting outcome. it's not like consumption because of starvation.

just set those little civets free

I haven't had a cup of coffee in 30 yrs. This sure wouldn't be the one to lure me back.

that is horrible.

Johnny Guitar 1942
leave the poor animals alone, I worked on a mink farm and they are tortured

My take on this is that surely science can figure a way to duplicate what happens in the civet digestive process. I'm convinced it can't be that difficult & we could spare the little critters any misery.

Player #5112222
Remembered that from the move Bucket List!

Player #4364533
UnopposedYogi27101, the world has gone mad

Player LV Lizard 🦎
UnopposedYogi27101, that's Horrible!!! poor animals and worse, the people drinking it!!!

Don't ever buy the stuff, as the article says cruelty is at the heart of this industry - no surprise when man's greed gets in the way.

toothless beachrat
Coffee I brew at home is sufficient for me. Plus, I now drink the "1/2 cafe" which is 50% caffeine and I don't believe is offered at any establishments selling pre made coffee.

Yes this practice is disgusting as is force feeding geese until their livers nearly explode hence Pate, however; there are many disgusting things that many do not think about. Ever hear of E-COLI? How about recalls on Cantaloupe, Broccoli in recent years? Fecal matter being is transferred to produce etc because humans do not wash their hands? Animal testing for hygiene products? Research for Cancer on the Mole Rat? This list goes on and on.

Tanya, who looked at the egg that came from a chickens rear end and thought "I wonder if I can eat that..."
The mind boggles!

For the same reason we should not eat Foie gras or wear natural furs… amongst many other things!!

Mike T
All that suffering just so some people can brag about drinking the most expensive coffee in the world. Very cruel.

Tanya, riiiight!!?

Once they caged and force-fed the animals, it was no longer the special coffee they claimed it to be. The civets chose to eat the cherries that were at a certain stage that helped the coffee to have a distinct flavor. By force-feeding, it's no longer the same.

Player #10487144 J.C, guess you don’t eat chicken either then..:

ChampionNymph37634, IF Peeps CHOOSE NOT to drink, the Animals will be freed. time for Humanity to have Real Respect for animals, instead of self gratification eh! ❤️

£600 per kilo 😱😱..more than half of my wages for coffee only 😔😰

Murbette, and McDonald's.

Player LV Lizard 🦎, I'll stay with mccabe or duncan donuts coffee any day.

Sgt Mad Dog
SOOTI, Either one of the bravest or craziest people in the world!

Player #5112222, yep 🤣😂

moonfluenz, i liked your view until you mentioned third world. who the F are you. i'm from third world and we're not all alike.

Shelby Johnson
Seriously, how is it that people think treating animals this way is ok because the animals are providing something that makes money, but if the same thing is done to people it's such a problem that countries will go to war over it... ???

I'll stick with Roasters and Dutch Brothers!.

Sully Girl
Jonny Guitar 1942 i dont know where you worked but I worked on a mink ranch and so did many people I know and they are not tortured, quite the contrary. while they're alive they are treated better than a lot of people i know. And they are killed humanely. plus the fact that the industry is regulated by the government and environmentalists

Player 10
finding answer was easy with kopi been ☕ in my mother tongue. 🌹

Player Number1Explor
ChampionNymph37634, Truer words were never spoken .NO amount of financal gain is worth the acceptance of torturing ANY animal with incarceration and where undo force is used .

I love coffee, and a few years ago I bought a small bag of this, before I knew about the treatment of the animals. There is no discernable taste difference between this and regular coffee beans. Don't buy this stuff, ever. I wish I never had.

in singapore, it costs 50 singapore dollars

dont ever try it if you get a chance. visited Indonesia and witnessed a lot of animal cruelty

I'd like to know who picked up civet poo and thought "I wonder if this has coffee in it"

Player #25564024
best coffee is from circle K

I would like to know Why someone thought it was a good idea to pick through an animals feces to collect coffee beans? They can claim whatever they want I doubt they can prove it's a better coffee. Who cares third world countries have a different view of things I don't share thier views, espresso is good enough for me.

Tanya, who figured out which mushrooms were safe, that cashew nuts had to be processed first. a lot of people died working out what we can eat now.