Which Soviet Navy officer saved the world from nuclear holocaust in the 20th century?
Correct answer: Vasily Arkhipov
Player #5526107
saw a documentary about him some years ago. Very interesting.
Player #16550689
great explanation!
Player #3906185
for many it felt as if we were in our last days. It was serious enough that the USA sent a fleet. i remember dad had to deploy to cuba and was away 3 mos.
Now that is a story worth telling. I look forward to someone in Hollywood telling it.
If any one man genuinely deserved a Nobel Peace Prize…
Bonster, I was 7 years old, my dad was in the military. Our phone rang in the middle of the night and my d
ad went to the Air Field. Between that and the duck and cover drills (I knew even at the tender age of 7 that hiding under our desks was not going to save anybody) it was terrifying.
Natasha Romanoff 😂
MindTreat, Thank God for this man, he saved the whole world!!
GraceSpace, I was 10 yrs old & remembered going to bed, thinking the US would be at war when I woke up the next morning. Sobering moment in life.
Miss Sue
Alias, I was in kindergarten and thought the drills were just orderly recess.
My family could have had radiation sickness, if we survived at all. We lived in a city with so many military bases!
Clare, There are still adults who are never aware what is going on in the world.
Player #136569400
Player #3906185, my brother was on one of those destroyers.
Scott, it has been done.
Tina M., I was an early teen. My best friend refused to read the paper. She thought that hiding her head in the sand would make everything ok. My cousin and a dear friend were both Marines and were stationed on the Carrier. It was a very scary time.
Tina M.
I was a teenager when that happened. I was terrified! I thought we were all going to die.
Player #3906185, can only imagine how frightening that was for you and yr family... I vaguely remember it being spoken of in New Zealand where I lived as a child 😉