"Every man dies, not every man really lives" is a line from which movie?

Correct answer: Braveheart

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player Elf Counsel, while that may be true, most people know that Hollywood romanticizes and isn't a good marker for historical accuracy. However, thanks to that film, the greater global population even knows who he was. I didn't and it was a great story
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
Player #6173858, But lousy history. And the costumes were ridiculous. Scots of that time wearing woad? See his statue in Stirling. He wore chain mail.
Dopey Dennis
Dopey Dennis
the only thing they got correct was the ending.
Excellent a top movie
Player #6173858, but it’s not historically accurate
Dog's Balls
Dog's Balls
Indyhawk, Is that you, Nicola Sturgeon?