Which rabbit is normally considered to be the largest breed of the species?
Correct answer: Flemish Giant rabbit

bloody hell that's big.

we used to have a neutered pair that played with our dogs and chased visiting cats out of the garden. they were wonderful pets!

awesome rabbit.

Player #18320935
When I was a child my sister and I got 2 baby rabbits we were told were small breed.Turned out they were flemish giants.Grew so big they lived in a shed.Loved them and they grew bigger than our dog.

Popeye, just ignore them or you give them credibility

I kept one of these in 5th grade over the summer, it was the school mascot. It chewed every wire in our house, my mother was ready to skin it.

I am only 4'10" and this rabbit would scare the life out of me!

player one.five
Glad I'm not paying that carrot bill.

Wow, my dog is smaller than the bunny in the picture. A lot of dogs are to be fair.

Player Say what!?, I had an Angora & he went missing. Several sightings of him as he made his way into town & carried on until someone caught him-must have crossed several busy roads & traveled 4 miles. He was so happy to be home!

When I was small I went on trip to the farm to buy a rabbit on our way we saw these same rabbits there , they are huge!!!!

once again the longest answer

Christine ~ RN
Looks like the rabbit could be saddled up like a pony.

JTsuited, cute Dog which Breed is this

kushal Prakash
rabbit is my favourite animal

these rabbits are very large known to get 4 feet long and weigh 15 kgs.

Would love to have one as a pet. Just need to google if it will survive in a tropical country.

Player #20947123
Mouse, Hahaha. I think all rabbits chew wires. I just wonder why they don't get electrocuted.🤔

Ida Newdat
glad jackelope wasn't an option, whew

Popeye, It looks like the real Easter bunny

Player Say what!?
Popeye, And you're not?! Geesh.