What flavours the liqueur chambord?

Correct answer: Raspberries

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #15597178
Player #15597178
The description literally says it is both blackberries and raspberries!
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
Player #96919, Chambord, real raspberries and Asti Spumante. Don't stay with a tiny tipple
Player #19766728
Player #19766728
Make these for French martini,,
Player #15597178, black raspberries are different from blackberries.
Player Fenian
Player Fenian
cheap answer I only remember blackberries as they are my favorite...they should not use both ingredients in the options
Player #K
Player #K
Lovely drink
Player #96919
Player #96919
sounds very nice, wouldn't mind trying a tipple