Which of these scientists was one of the first to use the term "biology" in its modern sense?
Correct answer: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

JezzerLX, he published research on the midwife toad to show that information and behaviour was passed on genetically, not only physical characteristics. He unnecessarily falsified one piece of data to make it look even more convincing, was caught out and killed himself. In the ensuing scandal his whole theory was thrown out and ignored... until now, when it has been proved in epigenetics. Information every grandmother has known down the ages!

Definitely learned a little more about him just now!

Player #25874027
Just had a painting question about Waterlilies and Monet and lo and behold the guy turns up with Antoine de Monet in his name !
Any relation?

Whew, good guess

Becca Sue
craftmaker76, there is a debate about your gender. Care to chime in?

Becca Sue
oh, oh, craftmaker76,

Homemade chicken soup and chicken soup for the night