"The Scream" by Edvard Munch was painted in the style of which art movement?

Correct answer: Expressionism

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player #96919
Player #96919
I will never understand the obscene amounts of money that these type of paintings sell for, especially when they look like they have been daubed onto a piece of canvas by a 5yr old. Claude Monet and his Waterlilies paintings are beautiful. That is what I do call art, but not these like the scream. Makes me want to do just that!
Player #96919, I was just thinking the same. I like Monet's type of Impressionism, but not this! Guess that's what makes art...differences of opinion.
Player #96919, It's the same with sculptures. Take a look at Rabbit by Jeff Koons and tell me it's worth $91 million
I saw one of the versions of The Scream at the Norman McKenzie Artist Gallery many a long year ago in Regina Saskatchewan Canada.
real good info!!