Which of the following was passed in the US Congress in response to the events of Sept. 11, 2001?
Correct answer: USA Patriot Act

May God bless our Country and give us wise and honorable leaders and make us great again.

Sandyberry, yes, but America has always been great, hasn't it?

The patriot act was an attack on American civil liberties which has been abused by the government to crack down on dissent and spy on civilians and detain citizens indefinitely without due process of law.

America is great! Always was and always will be!

Player #4250921
Player #2655037, Now is that being tolerant. Saying that if you don't like America the way it is,leave. So would the same mentality apply to those who voted for President Obama, who said in his acceptance speech "change is coming to America " Sounds like he didn't like America the way it was. Sounds to me like you are only open to the change that you want. Someone once told me that being liberal was all about being tolerant. I don't see it. You are only tolerant of your point of view. Everyone who disagrees is labeled as racist, xenophobic, etc

thank God that we gave up our liberties for the illusion of security.

Player #4250921
2gameORnot2game4mE, To build on your comment. The idea of America is great, the idea that government rests in the hands of the people, not a king, the idea of freedom to choose, the values of thrift, hard work, honestly, and charity. Of doing good to your neighbors. Have we always lived up to those ideas? No. But that does not mean that the idea isn't great, even if the people have not always behaved in that manner.

Their spying on y'all.

Tex Patriot
with this law Americans gave away a tremendous number of their freedoms, because of fear.
also curious how a 3200 page document could be created and passed, all in one week? It's almost like it was prepared and waiting on the special circumstances to move it thru quickly. members were told that if the d I don't not pass it, they were unamerican.
a sad day in our history.

VascularVocabulary6, what we are seeing in the blm (for the most part and is my humble opinion) is a far left backed terrorist group. The majority of blacks are waking up and seeing the Democratic party for what it. Seems we only hear about "the movement" every 4 years right before the Election. Unfortunately...

The Patriot act was used against American Citizens and then obama turned it into the Freedom act, and obama used it against innocent Americans and now FISA is Unconstitionally being used against Americans, including, using again

tunegrabber, It's been greater.

tunegrabber, It's great but needs more of God and responsibility and respectful leaders. Need honest leaders.

Sandyberry, More God, more respect, and better leaders Amen!

Player #4250921, he meant for the better, nothing in America is perfect so get of ur high horse

squirtydumplings777, love the sarcasm π π€£ π

BBpearl, heck 9/11 was a homegrown terrorist attack

Conceptually America is great but the corruption has ruined it. Government is the problem not the solution

Kreg, we're not going to continue being great if our leaders continue to push socialism on its citizens.

Sandyberry, we are already great no matter the president....

Terror and terrorists is a bit of a subjective term too, the English declared that we were terrorists and a terrorist people during the American Revolution and The War of 1812. On a slightly different subject giving up all your freedoms and liberties isn't worth a little modicum of security. Benjamin Franklin once said: a man who will give up all his liberties for security deserves neither.

Itβs awesome how we came up with the abbreviation PATRIOT act. Which made very good sense.

Information is important !!!!

Player #4250921, the change was that as a mixed man he was voted into the highest position in the land.

Too bad it was all based on lies regarding weapons of mass destruction. Needless lives lost because George W was upset someone threatened his daddy.

Swampy Acres
BBpearl, That is how 600 plus American citizens are being held without due process in regards to Jan. 6th. Shame on U.S..

Player #4250921, no way. demolition was the cause collapse.

Guillermo Jr.
there is NO such thing as "safe"..
in my career as a nurse.. I have sadly put enough bodies in cadaver bags to learn that..

I will never forget that day.

Player #28023159
I feel as if my American citzenship means nothing these days...yea make it great again...I don't expect a privilege..but I do appreciate my rights...

Player #13023389
I have a long line of veterans in my family. I have and will always believe we are Great and Free. Debby

you can't legislate.. um.. anything..

Player #29219499
Sandyberry, don't forget the gullible people that don't have a clue what these so-called leaders are doing, but will blindly support anyone holding a USA flag and smiling.

Tex Patriot
Player #4250921, university of London proved that there is no way jet fuel could have weakened the structure that led to the collapse. they were afraid it would happen to them.
also the two maintenance workers in the basement of which one was killed by a blast in the basement.

Player #24279174
Jew for Yeshua, Sadly, Israel is making treaties with the UAE...

Player #24279174
richbaumel, So is Google and the 5G network!

Player #28506774
VascularVocabulary6, so true and we'll said

that was a huge price to pay to get rid of ISIS.

ZyggyStardust, we killed 300000 civilians in the Iraq war (bush jr) if any country ever killed that many u.s. civilians we would be so up in arms no wonder the arab people hate us