What is a Morning Glory?
Correct answer: A flowering plant
A stiffy as soon as you wake up lol
Stuart Appleby
but it's much more well known as a euphemism...
Please tell me I’m not the only one that thought of the other “morning glory!” 🍆🤣
there is another meaning to many
My favorite flower. My Grandma used to say, "Whats the story, morning glory?"
I start them as seeds in 8-12 pots. 3-5 seeds per pot. Lotsa TLC until they can be put into the ground. 5-7inches tall? Transplant near fences and trellises. If in a peat pot, transplant all. Need lotsa water in the summer months. It got to where we'd mark how many popped in 1 day. With so many plants, we were well over 100+ blooms on some days. They, along with Moon Flowers are truly gorgeous! Try it!!
it's an erection
in the military we used that term for taking the first dump of the day. you're welcome
Momma Mo4u
My Mom planted Morning Glory in our back yard when I was a kid. I'd go out in the early morning and watch the petals slowly open. Childhood memories.
Flower Lady
CrimsonRestaurant12, both my parents died this last year, so I know the feeling you describe. You needn't wistfully yearn that you had retained more botanical knowledge, when it's available right at ur fingertips. Pick up a good book,(a field guide perhaps) and seek out a sundappled mossy spot in the woods....and Read!! When you see a spring empheral, try to identify it. It is an interesting and satisfying way to spend an afternoon.
The picture threw me off, makes these easy questions a bit more difficult and fun.
Mel, that is not what it’s called. Try morning “wood”.
Player #137477706
اي احسنت
The question setter knew what they were doing.
Ivy Supreme,🥰
Thought it is the very early morning 🌞
Momma Mo4u, I collected a bunch of morning 🌅 glory seeds while picking corn years back.took em home. planted them about half inch apart at the bottom of the lattice around my porch. about every other day, I'd tuck em in and out of the lattice. whew !!! what a great privacy 🔏🔏 cover
GnarlySpringHer28, I like Morning Glory because the Hummingbird's do !! But, I have LOTS OF DIFFERENT flowers for the Hummer's !!!
easy for me because I took Botany in college.
Mel, I did 🤣
morning glory and moon flowers are both part of the nightshade family. becarful out there
curiouspirit, mine too
flowers planted sea and sun hard anymore ocean earth and planets the for sea ocean and earth planet
interesting to hear so many meanings for morning glory. thought it was just a poisonous flower or weed that nobody wanted in their yard.
Mel, me too
Player #26412319, thank you!!! Being an Aussie, this was my first thought. Never seen one myself, but my Dad saw many, working in outback Queensland for many years.
I could not find the correct response, until the comments were unveiled.
Mel, like the way you're thinking 🤣
BlurryTerminator3278, The more you know... Unfortunately in this case, I already knew enough :'-)
I certainly didn’t think the answer was a plant😊
Honestly I'm soool sick of EVERY F'ING THING having to be about the Itty bitty male member that apparently rules y'all 's thoughts 24/7. Good God, even flowers! Yuck.
moms favorite flowers
The clouds look like a fish………
Mel, Nope your definitely not the only one. That's the first thing I thought of too 🤣
My girlfriend would argue differently.
Nikki-D92, First thing that came to mind and wondered if someone would comment. Thanks for not disappointing. 😂
people! morning glory is what happens after you have your coffee, not what happens when you wake up, thats morning wood! smh 🙄
BlurryTerminator3278, finally someone that knows the true meaning lol
Mel, no you not.
Fredrico, you eat the seeds of (heavenly blue morning glory species~apprx.5-6 and get a similar high as LSD as I have been advised); untried by myself: careful with anything you read!
Beach morning Glory has a purple flower and is commonly found on the beach. The Giant Tortoises they love to eat.