At what sport was Rolf Harris an Australian junior champion?
Correct answer: Swimming

Recently imprisoned for some rather unsavoury behaviour.

You should remove this question it gives a level of credibility and civility to a convicted child molestor

Player #96919
IckyRunner26244, And to think someone like him has been around innocent children for decades, makes my skin crawl

wanting it or not he has influenced generations. however the biography should disclose the conviction, in respect of the victims at least....

Most known as a paedophile

nasty horrible man

This should not be a question 😑

as said this man should. it be apart of this app, or anything.

Player #27643412
I went to college with a woman who was one of the first female camera operators for the ABC, back in the 70's she was told by the Executive producer "never let him take you to a place where your on your own with him".
Harris left Australia to go to Britain as his reputation was catching up with him, Australia was extremely small place then, population wise, it was getting really hard for his management too protect him..

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Not condoning the actions of this person but, if you erase the person & his crimes, how are you ever learn to avoid it, or learn to see the sighns, the symptoms, the behavior in the future? Out of sight, out of mind is never a logic or action rather, to follow.