Which British colony was Vice-Admiral William Bligh made Governor of in 1806?
Correct answer: New South Wales

This is the story told by the Rum Corp and accepted and taught in Aussie schools, ever since but it is not quite true. Fact is Bligh was incorruptible and carried out his job of breaking up, the trade in rum and those profiting from it, namely soldiers of the Rum Corp. seized power, why because they could. There were those in the colony who opposed it vehemently, like the Turnbull family, a member of which became PM of Australia, in 2017. They felt so strongly about the injustice done to Bligh, for every generation since, males of that family have been given the name Bligh. He became, with the help of Hollywood, maybe The most misunderstood character in history.

They hunted down and hanged a few mutineers on both occasions