How many daughters did Charles Ingalls have at the beginning of "Little House on the Prairie"?
Correct answer: 3

Suzy Z
Was not! One of the most wholesome shows in TV in the 70’s

Carrie was played by twins, James and Cassandra appeared in a few episodes then just disappeared.

Player Say what!?
Suzy Z, What did beebee say!? I hate it when so often not all remarks aren't visible anymore.

Nellie was a friend who lived in town..she was a best and mean to the Ingalls girls

Rayyman69, i agree my husband and I still watch old episode's of it and always wondered what happened to Carrie. they just stopped showing her with no explanation

Player #147537641
this is incorrect, there were four daughters, Mary, Laura, Carrie and Grace

Dollie, read the question.

Mars V
Dollie, It says at the beginning.

Mars V
MoodyChef92025, At the beginning of the last season, the family moved, and only Laura’s family remained in Walnut Grove. Pa, Ma, and Albert appear in a couple of episodes after that, but the other kids are never seen or mentioned again.

Dollie, in the beginning was the question.

Dollie, Caroline bore a son (Charles, jr) who died in infancy

This answer is wrong. He had 4 girls. In order was Mary, Laura, Carrie, and Grace. Most people forget about Grace.

the Laura ingalls wilder museum is in missouri

This show fills my soul!

there where 4 girls Mary Loria Carrie &Grace

Carrie had a twin sister that was died named Alyssa.

Player #8026264
Uninitialized, h

Read those books many times growing up. Never really got into the show, though.

Player #30611845
TurboWolf44, who was grace i missed that and i watched as a kid

While the question was indeed poorly worded, Carrie Ingalls was in Season 1 of the TV series, which means, in TV-speak, the beginning of the series. It was daughter Grace who came later in the series.