Which defect in the eye results in distorted images or blurred vision at all distances?
Correct answer: Astigmatism

Had a radial keretotomy back in 1991 and they fixed the astigmatism as well as the myopia. Of course I got old and need glasses again but it was nice while it lasted.

I can't believe how many people chose Autism! Autism is a social disability, and also affects ones language ability/skills. A very unique condition that should have more awareness as ot affects so many people in society.

Player #10051217
I had blurred vision until I had my cataracts removed.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Same here. 😎

Player #10051217, I'm in line for that surgery

Freddie, i believe they are getting an education

Freddie, I know I can’t even believe that’s a choice!?!