In which country did Boxing Day originate?
Correct answer: United Kingdom

Peter Montgomery
supposed to be called that as servants had the day off to take gift boxes to their families. don't know if correct

Laudy Miss Claudy
The 26 of December became the holiday for the servants because they all had to work on Christmas.

Whistling Jake
Cookie Bean,
Boxing day originated in the UK where remnants of Christmas dinner in the homes of the wealthy (started by the queen & king) were boxed up and givento the poor.

ZyggyStardust, thanks for the info. You'd think that'd have given that in the answer. 💁🏻

My birthday is Boxing Day which is a really rotten day for a birthday because everyone is just too tired from celebrating Christmas the day before. I have even been asked if it was OK to give just a single gift to cover both occasions.

Peter Montgomery, that is correct and it's weird it wasn't mentioned in the answer

Whistling Jake, their generosity is touching.