The visitors from which country are especially susceptible to developing Paris syndrome?
Correct answer: Japan

Seriously? So it could be "anywhere that doesn't meet my expectations" syndrome.

I get this type of syndrome when I walk through my front door, I expect a five star hotel...but it really just looks like The Motel 6...😒

this is a real thing??? a full mental breakdown due to visiting a new place? wow man

Travelling for the first time can trigger mental illness in some people due to the sudden change in environment. Leaving home to attend university can also bring on mental illness for the same reason.

Had a wonderful time in Paris. Went without expectations. That helps. Same with Venice

I read some stats saying that amongst expats living in Paris the Japanese have the highest rate of suicide, so perhaps there is a huge difference between the two cultures. Japanese people are very polite ...

Player #4586465, agree. Paris is mad overrated!

Player #7929563
I find it extremely odd that a name would be given to this...and that people would actually study such a "phenomenon".

What on earth do they expect? Music? Movie stars? Wafting perfume? Sheesh.

I call B. S.

Mary, Quebec in Canada is similar. Some, not all, are rude if you don’t speak French.

Miss Sue
LanceBearBrian, Well, just remember, there's no place like.home

LanceBearBrian, ha ha amen to that!

toothless beachrat
very funny! I like to use my spin of "we'll leave the light on for ya" (their slogan) and I say "we'll leave the lid up for ya".

LanceBearBrian, Me too! But a Motel 6 in the really bad part of town.

Jake, No way; I loved it, although I had one rude encounter when I tried to ease my blistered feet by sitting at an outdoor cafe to call for help, and the waiter was very unsympathetic and rude. But Paris is exceptional in many ways, so if you have a sense of humor, you can even enjoy the troglodytes.

What nonsense. People just like to put a label and name on everything

LanceBearBrian, me too, LanceBear. Me,too!

Republic of Taiwan
No. Japan and France has different cultures. You cannot compare an Asian to a European country, because they are all different!!!
Japanese language and French language are different
Japanese food and French food are different!
They share no links to their culture, etc and i.e. food, language, and more!

Just my opinion, but I think maybe children should be taught that movies very rarely portray things realistically. So that people don't get upset when they find out that Paris isn't, for the most part, the romantic dream that some movies would portray it to be.

When I read the explanation, I just thought, how is this a psychiatric comdition? it just sounds to me like they met the French.
My mother is French, I only speak truth! ;-)

Jake, I Will never go back to Paris. Too many Tourists, overcrowded, no English, very expensive and realy the locals are very unfriendly. Montmarne overfilled with African and Chinese shops. Either you love OR hate Paris

Gem-kat1, that pretty much sums up my life lol 😜

Mary, I found this too. It's not a nice feeling. I found the locals weren't friendly or helpful

Gem-kat1, That's crazy 🤣🤣🤣

For being the most famous city on Earth, Paris is unwelcoming to visitors. I went there to visit the museums and did not have too many difficultues but it does have a very off-putting, almost sinister vibe. They would rather you leave your Euros at the train station and go back home asap. Even fluent French speakers get the cold disdainful shoulder as native French are xenophobic and can tell that your accent is not native born. Contrast this with Oslo which is very welcoming and where a majority of people speak English.

Syn, same with me in Italy. I had people taking pictures of me, touching my blonde hair. One guy asked me if I wanted to
Go to his apartment to see his cat. Um. No.
And I was only 17.

johanassy, It sounds a lot like agoraphobia, an intense fear of leaving home, only on a broader, cultural level. Feeling like a fish out of water.

Lollipop 🍭
Syn, my niece is very ale skinned and she has reddish blonde, very curly, hair. People asked to touch her hair too!

it's called this because of the Shogun who went abroad in the late 18th century were culture shocked by what they saw.

DJ oonie
I went expecting to see French people, will leave it at that!

LanceBearBrian, 😆

LanceBearBrian, 😂

Student for life
instead of showing old pictures of Paris and stereotypes their tvs shows, teachers, etc. should show what Paris really look like today. We don't wear berets, we do not cycle old bikes with baguettes, cheese and croissants in the basket... 🤣Notre Dame de Paris anyone? Paris is a multicultural and mixed up ethnically now.

Student for life
Gem-kat1, 😂

I can almost understand the Jerusalem syndrome, but not so much Paris. But, I've never been to either one!

Player #7929563, Tourism is big business so anything that effects it is worth studying.

The Jerusalem Syndrome is not just about disappointed expectations but about delusional experiences such as meeting Jesus or talking to king David. Hence it is a recognized psychiatric disorder.

Player #2047250
Makes a certain type of sense. l studied French at school, had heard nothing but how fabulous it was, how beautiful the women and how handsome and suave the men were. So l had very high expectations of France and planned to stay there and improve my language skills. lt was my first visit to a European country l so l was quite disappointed. Wasn't anything like l expected.

LanceBearBrian, love your description