Christopher Robin is associated with which classic tale?
Correct answer: Winnie-the-Pooh

Player #5621402
He had a difficult relationship with his father A.A. Milne and took no royalties from the many Pooh books.

Winnie the Pooh was named after the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada.

K9Queen , Me too although I believe you spelled it correctly... my character name.

I love Milne's Pooh (aka Edward Bear) and the other characters too; however, I disliked what Disney did to them

Michel Poirier
wrong , Winnie the pooh is from white river Ontario, there's actually a statue there commem

I've always liked and identified with Eeyore the most.

zed I always liked Winnie the Pooh. Tigger is . my favorite character. My kids like him too always asked me to read it.

DSDA, The soldiers were headed via the rail, & when passing Winnipeg they saw a baby Bear & bought. He was named Winnie.

Christopher Robin was the happiest boy in the world, before his father's books made him famous.

That was a real cool cartoon that I watched every year growing up. They sure don't make 'em like that anymore. It would be great just to watch it again.

sadly boarding school was an option for many children back then if their parents were well off enough... Thankfully in the main it has now died out ...