"Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo" is a song from which animated Disney musical fantasy film?

Correct answer: Cinderella

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
lily 21, lily please stop commenting on every question its like someone taking a photo of their dinner and posting it on line.
in somewhat more related news ~ we got to the bottom of that whole glass slipper thing. According to several sources the fairytale comes from Russia and the slipper was made or covered in some kind of fur. something was wildly mistranslated.
Player #38885742
Player #38885742
Myles B.67459, no blasphemy, please
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
SQinfoNUTS, Yes , but have you got to the bottom of why a slipper that fits her foot perfectly fell off in the first place?
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
stashio2020, Cripes. That's the pot calling the kettle black, is it not?
Player #3059660
Player #3059660
UnopposedYogi27101, remember it's Cinderella. none of these comments are. needed
Dannybear79, just a spoonful of sugar makes the m medicine go down,
okay people, calm down. please either take some Xanax or do some deep breathing. you special cases ~ do both.
Myles B.67459
Myles B.67459
Dannybear79, Jesus Christ pal calm down!
Dannybear79, Hi mate , that lily 21 sounds a really horrible person, She's probably married to her brother or something like that.