Which dog breed has attacked the most humans in America between 2005 - 2017?
Correct answer: Pit Bulls

Player #10072028
people are the problem

Player #9661418
Player #10072028, while some people don't know how to treat the animal, there are inherent risks in the breed regardless of upbringing and that's a fact!

Own at your own risk. Too many people think these are cool dogs to have. They are a liability.

Player #19719147
Pits are dangerous. They can be the sweetest dogs until that one time. My son in law had 2. They were nicest dogs until that one day. He now has 7 fingers and lost use of his left hand trying to protect his son. Don't say "not dangerous" you're a fool if you believe they aren't.

There are NO bad dogs, just bad owners. I raised a German Shepherd from a pup and he the best dog I ever had. Very protective of me but never made any attempt to hurt anyone. Pit bulls are great dogs, they were raised to protect little children. And I have known little dogs to be far more aggressive than big dogs.

Chihuahuas are the most aggressive.
Poorly worded question.

this is not correct, the small breeds have more bites, just isn't reported

Player Say what!?
I've encountered many at the dog park. most were good, but two were vicious and I still have the scars. The owners frequently won't neuter the males either. Although any dog can bite, pits go for blood and don't let go. That's the difference and that's why I don't go to the dog park anymore.

It comes down to the owners. I have known several pits & they are sweeties.

They are often bred to be aggressive and that's the major problem. They are banned in Australia due to several vicious attacks on people and pets

Shelby Johnson
Wonder if the scientific study also showed the increase of dog fighting rings all over the US, which also primarily used the Pitbull breed for most of the dogs used for fighting? increase in illegal dog fighting(primarily Pitt bulls) = Increase in dog attacks against humans. Humans abuse, train, kill thousands of pitbulls and other dog breeds for sport, gambling, money.... wonder why those dogs that escaped the dog fighting scene might not trust ANY HUMAN that tried to approach them.

Player #8580545
breed is misunderstood. some small breeds can also be viscous. mostly has to do with the owners. love my pit mixed. never had a problem.

Player #19535882
Player #9661418, nope i owned 5

Any dog can be aggressive, protective or even nervous and will bite. The biteiest dog I ever knew was a neurotic doxie. I have scars all over my hands from him. 😐

it's actually Dauchsands. Bad fact checking

Byrde Alpha Bitch
ZyggyStardust, • If you track back in ANY dogs lineage, eventually you will end up with the Wolf. Would you trust a wolf without training? Same thing with ANY dog!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #7490067, Do you believe everything you read or do experience life at all?

Player #12961658
"attacks" meaning maulings, bites or what?
Documentation including inaccurate breed identification? Sensationalism? Around 2001 the most bites were attributed to Dalmatians. Of course the answers was Pitbull.