Which dog spent 14 years guarding the grave of his owner?
Correct answer: Greyfriars Bobby

Amazing! Animals have the ability to teach us so much!

Player #6787170
Dogs in many ways,are smarter and more caring than humans

Coming into Edinborough by bus from Glasgow, you go right past Bobby's statue. I was surprised to find tears coming to my eyes when I saw it, and my daughter said she experienced the same thing when she visited Scotland.

Player #7456898
Too bad people dont have the compassion that most animals do!

Player Meyer
Wow! Such loyalty. Man’s best friend

I love animals, sometimes more than people. That story breaks my heart. Now I'm tearing up. Great, thanks

Player #4267149
beebee, I have probably watched Hatchi at least five times and cry every single time. Dogs are so loyal!

Player #4047702
A dog is a man's best friend.

I've been to the grave of this remarkable dog several times, because as a kid I was taken on my summer holidays by my grandmother to Kirkcaldy which is where she and my dad were born

how sad and unconditional love

Stinky Toad
Shelby Johnson, dogs don't live for forty years.

We still have so much to learn from animals

Dogs are so loyal and caring. This story is so sad.

Lucie Freya
now that's love and loyalty.

Player #130998363
I have met many compassionate people.

Player #120374466
I wonder who cared for this dog for the next 14 years. Did he stay at the grave 24/7?

The only thing people shouldn’t do when visiting the statue is touching his nose! Don’t do it people, it destroys the statue! Go and rub Hume’s toe which is not that far from it, it’s on the royal mile

Smart Kitten
There’s also another dog who did the same, it was an Akita, a Japanese breed. They even make a movie of it, it’s on Netflix

Whereas a cat would have given up after two days and stalked off, tail twitching, to find a better person/slave! 🤣

Shelby Johnson, I’ve seen it as well, I cri d like a baby.

rita, I agree completely and wholeheartedly. When my cat died, my dog grieved for her, so did I .

beece22052, I feel the same way

The best movie ever Goes right for the heart

The old black and white film is very moving... The local residents paid for a dog licence when the authorities wanted to take the dog away as he had no official owner. Such devotion both dog to human and humans to dogs is rare in this world.

Player #82059764
so heartfelt 💔

U, somehow people had to be taking care of this dog, because he needed food and water and clean up.

beece22052, I absolutely like animals better than people, unapologetically.

Birdiemom, it's Edinburgh not Edinborough 🤣

Player #66817220
TwoTin16, our cat mourned our dog, although the dog never even liked the cat.

Player #9179417
BerLev, My three Lil mooching are a godsend for me, bless their hearts

all animals are sentient beings they like us deserve love care and respect they have families too brothers sisters mothers fathers I think all animals hearts should beat for as long as you want yours to beat I would rather spend my life with animals than people I feel that's being true to myself

Player #43033997
Player #8534979, Yes, they would. They grieve....and are very loyal

Player #6787170, It's a sad story. Poor little dog was heartbroken.

Shelby Johnson
I think of Haichi the dog as well. He waited outside of the train station that his owner came home on for I believe 40 yrs or until Haichi himself died. They made a movie from the tale of Haichi and his owner. With Richard Gere, wonderful movie. A must see addition to any movie bucket list!

Pasture League
Player #9899449, bad word

There’s been two films made of this story. The original is the best.

Player #42806055
I want to know how he got food and water, I'm guessing people must have brought it for him.

Lena Z., I believe it was the other workers at the graveyard—they all took care of him. We had a tour there a couple of years ago—very moving.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Davy, Livingston, St. Andrew Square is not 3 miles from Greyfriars Bobby. It's less than a mile on foot.
That said, I can't think why buses from Glasgow would pass there. Maybe if they were coming from the borders.

beautiful dog