In which country did fox hunting originate?

Correct answer: England

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What people think about it: 35 Comments
cruel sport
About time bullfighting was outlawed too....
Player Turtle Rox
Player Turtle Rox
lily 21, My Dad had a pet red fox. "Spanky" went with him everywhere. I have a picture of the fox sitting on my Dad's lap.
UnopposedYogi27101, Please... you say 'we Brits' most brits voted to outlaw it, it is only the few eccentric snobs from upper class that partake in this barbaric sport, don't paint all brits like them.
I have wild foxes living in a field at the rear of my house they are beautiful to watch but I have seen a tail laying on the ground severed I wish I knew who did it I would like to do the same to them but it might be another part.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Ryuzaki, as abhorrent as it was, fox hunting was nothing to do with the fur trade. And it's nowhere near as barbaric as the school shootings and lynch mobs that the USA continue to have on a regular basis. Go USA!
Don't lump all Brits together. It got banned for a reason.
UnopposedYogi27101, No, not Brits taking barbarism to a new level, just jumped up hoity toity rich folks. Im English and hate the idea this still may happen in certain areas, though apparently banned. Please dont tar all us normal folks with the same brush. live and let live is my motto.
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
Ryuzaki, I don't know why people are giving you thumbs-down for saying we don't need fur in 21st century. Maybe it's because it's nothing to do with fix hunting but, you're absolutely correct, we don't.
Stinky Toad
Stinky Toad
Mars V, Of course not!
Mars V
Mars V
I wonder if horses like people riding them. I doubt it.
I used to have a Yorkshire terrier that would somehow get out and at 3am would come home with about 4-5 foxes. I’m sure he thought he was one of them lol
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
luckycatfay, Men have tails too.
Player #24460218
Player #24460218
I have foxes who come to my garden.I leave eggs out for them & have seen them very carefully take them 1 by 1 back into the wood where they live.
Player Turtle Rox, That's my kind of person. My son wants a pet fox. Currently, we have 3 cats, so I'm not sure how that'll work.
Rhinos4eva1, there are many brits who are humane to the core. Not correct to shame a whole ppl.
Player #19258045
Player #19258045
UnopposedYogi27101, us Brits have banned fox hunting.
John London
John London
When my dog was alive I hated them now I have a tunnel under my shed so I see cubs now and then bottom line the green belt is taken away build build build these poor creatures are driven out hit by cars it is not fair man destroys everything and every creature that deserves there habitat is drove out
Player #14993519.
Player #14993519.
Player Turtle Rox, Wow, a pet 🦊 red fox. How cool is that,,they are beautiful to me,,
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
Player #4250921, I'm Cajun and come from a long line of hunters in the swamp and the woods but it was a rule that you didn't kill for sport just for food
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
Player Say what!?, they're monsters
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
luckycatfay, I feel ya! my daddy used to always say "you can tell alot about a person by how they treat animals btw torturing animals is part of the triad of budding psychopathic serial killers
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
Player Turtle Rox, they're beautiful creatures
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
UnopposedYogi27101, you speak the absolute truth
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
Player #3988477, AMEN, that is very cruel too I have always thought so
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
Daverio, very cruel and vicious
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
Player #4586465, I'm with you 100%
Player #9079437
Player #9079437
Player #4586465, i hate all cruelty to animals
I agree with you
Player #13286156
Player #13286156
Player #Muffy2214, they are supposed to follow aniseed trail in drag hunts but if a fox or other small creature is will be ripped apart
Cha Cha
Cha Cha
UnopposedYogi27101, I'm a Brit, born and bred in Melton Mowbray, and like my family and friends and most people I know, I am very opposed to this activity.... it's so cruel and upsetting. Most Brits are against it.
Well, if the practice is actually as portrayed in movies & on TV, it is very unsporting. A group of hounds along with a bunch of guys on horseback chasing a poor, harmless little fox seems useless & cruel to me. I mean c'mon - a fox nab's a chicken now & then - what's the terrible harm in that? Little fellow is only doing what comes naturally to him. He doesn't know any better & he'd probably leave your chickens alone if you'd only put out a dish of scraps for him. Surely it would be cheaper than all the trappings of a foxhunt.
The only pests there, were the cruel aholes how chased them down and had their dogs tear the live animal apart. How can anyone calling themselves civilized do this.
UnopposedYogi27101, only rich tory supporting brits tend to hunt.