Which artist was also a military engineer for Cesare Borgia?
Correct answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Pimpao +
One of the Greatest Artist/Souls of all time

When you think about it, we have probably only learned part of what Leonardo imagined could be built, designed, invented, etc. - No telling what sort of marvelous things he was contemplating that we'll never know about.

He's the only one listed who lived at the time of the Borgias. The others were 19th century artists.

His exhibit is worth seeing! Will totally help you feel true AWE !! Amazing how much he produced in a short period of history---I thought I had a clue about several subjects, I fall off a tall cliff on that delusional idea ....many are hard to completely understand, and that reality check prompts me to continue learning....perhaps that's his greatest his gift to future minds....

Player #3342123
Way out there and so far ahead of the time, they couldn't even see his tail lights.LOL

not only the greatest artist of his time , probably the greatest mind too.

little b
I've not heard of leohhy

Jeremy Irons the Borgias was a great TV show. If you like period drama with a lot of crime this is the show for you. A pity it only lasted 3 seasons. Budget costs saw to that.

Who else learned this from Assassin's Creed?

Player #2512936
Uninitialized, Not Italian?

Milky Bhagona
Assassin's creed helped me with this

Phransix de Valiant, The Borgias were Spanish.
The great painter.
The painter of 19century.