What's the name of Chuck Noland's silent friend from the film "Cast Away"?
Correct answer: Wilson

Tom Hanks is probably the greatest actor out there these days.

Excellent film! Tom Hanks is such a wonderful actor!

Player #5602826
Cannot believe how many people didn't know this!? That's a classic.

I love Tom Hanks, I just got through watching Road To Perdition that is one hell of a great movie. I've seen it like about 30 times or more.

Player #4250921
Mo B. Richard, Except the Wilson in Castaway was a volleyball

Player #5602826, WILSON!!!!

Reba 333
The film was too long but very good👍

My last name is Wilson so I still never hear the end of it. "Wilson!!!!"uhhggg...

That I have, an it's one of my best movies he does. It's a keeper for a rainy day.

Nerak 7, I think the director was fantastic… The story was great .. you on thinking was is in the last package he delivered..

Nerak 7
Great director .. can you imagine directing.. Tom is great.. and so was the story. ..

zoezepplin97, The ending was him delivering his final "lost" package to its intended recipient!
That package was him delivering a WILSON volleyball and was intended to represent him letting go of his fantasy friend Wilson by bringing Wilson home too!

Wilson! The soccer ball from the Wilson Sports Brand he drew the face on and talked to for company!
Wilson got lost at sea in a storm when he built his raft to try to sail back to civilization!

He made you believe that ball meant everything to him as it floated beyond retrieval.

Vee, Yes it is. He is absolutely amazing actor. Turner and Hooch I love this one. Every movie he does is good.

Player #15872441
Love the movie Tom Hanks is a good actor

🗣️Tom Hanks had me Laughing & Crying at the sametime, very Good Movie 🍿🎥 to watch esp if you ain't never seen it, but he is awesome Actor & that movie def worth Watching

Gary, I totally agree. He hasn’t made a bad film.

toe jam
his wife's name is rita Wilson.

Cast Away with Tom Hanks was a great movie.

Melode, why was the ending lame?

really good 🎥

Tom hanks is a good actor and has come a long wY from bosom buddies in the 80s. splash wascute. but he s been doing a lot of seriouovies. Castaway was very good but the ending was lame.

Player #2655037, 🤣🤣🤣