The Gelug is a branch of which religion?

Correct answer: Buddhism

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What people think about it: 3 Comments
Republic of China
Republic of China
iHOPY, It's Dalai Lama, not Dali. You're almost right but you did not say the Tibetan Buddhism thing which separates it from the Chinese one
Republic of China
Republic of China
brian I is so dumb. (My bad for that words but...) Chinese Buddhism requires the follower to completely change his or her lifestyle in order to become a successful Buddhist. On the other hand, Tibetan Buddhism only requires the follower to change his or her perspective on life. Honestly, the author of this question did not know the difference between Tibetan Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism itself That's why Tibet is claimed to be an independent country due to the religion and some other political reasons
The Dali Lama himself says that Buddhism can be a philosophical or spiritual path and not religious... therefore i believe this question to have made a mistake by including Buddhism as a religion when the figure head of the organization has not and clearly believes it is the practitioner's choice whether to classify Buddhist practice as a religion or a philosophy etc