Which of these is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death?
Correct answer: Anaphylaxis

Player #14604673
my 14 year old niece ingested a teaspoon of peanut sauce, she went into convulsions was in a coma for 3 days and passed away. No one knew she had nut allergies.

Player #18320935
I had an allergic reaction a few years ago after eating a KFC.Had hives,blocked throat etc and ended up in hospital,vomiting and with low blood pressure.Very scary and was kept in overnight.Had allergy tests and unsure what caused it.Have to carry epipen everywhere now.

I had an anaphylactic episode after eating tilapia (fish).

Alexandra Kendall
jay w, Unpopular senator from Virginia's niece is the CEO and made the price raise.

Player #14604673, I'm so sorry. That's awful 😔

Slowhandbh, happened to me too from injection of intravenous dye for kidney test. Within a couple of seconds i could not breathe!!!

Player #14604673, trajic😞

Player #14604673, I'm so Sorry for the loss of your Niece that broke my heart hearing what happened to her. I adore my 10 yr old Niece she is like a Daughter to me. we are very close. I would die if something Happened to her.she is my Life!

I Get really bad Itchies in my ears and throat when I eat Fruit, I Cannot Eat any fruits at all except Tropical fruits I'm ok with. I havent had a bad Allergic Reaction Yet thank God & I hope I never Do. all that sounds Scary.

Player #49986886
Player #14604673, I am so sorry! My heart goes out to you.

Luminaria, the very same thing happened to my mum

Libra 10:21
Suzy, i am allergic to shell food and i love them but no one will give me any...my daughter nuts my son motion sickness and corn

Libra 10:21
Player #14604673, my daughter is allergic to nuts she will want to shove her hand down her throat even want me to help her.... it's scary i read every thing i buy

Player #MaritimeCY
Another Greek word!