Which bodily process is mastication?

Correct answer: Chewing

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Some animals, such as birds and other mammals, also regurgitate non-mastificated (swallowed whole) food for their young to consume.
Player #10639782
Player #10639782
this word sounds dirty
wow!! I am on a winning streak!! I am on level 890 and I am getting 60% right!!
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Player #10639782, I remember when I learned this word, I then would jokingly say "yesterday I got caught masticating AGAIN"!
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
KAITLYNMARIA, My Victorian Yankee grand mother counted the number of times each bite was masticated, so, yeah it's very old fashioned.
I knew this was the right answer, as the word is mentioned in Sandra Bullock film Miss Congeniality. When I asked my family, they didn't know, so i guess it's an old's fashioned term.
Player #4250921
Player #4250921
Knew this from watching Arachnophobia
Player #2951755
Player #2951755
Tah I’m m
I remember that from Two and a Half Men.