Which bodily process is mastication?
Correct answer: Chewing
Some animals, such as birds and other mammals, also regurgitate non-mastificated (swallowed whole) food for their young to consume.
Player #10639782
this word sounds dirty
wow!! I am on a winning streak!! I am on level 890 and I am getting 60% right!!
toothless beachrat
Player #10639782,
I remember when I learned this word, I then would jokingly say "yesterday I got caught masticating AGAIN"!
Player Bengal Mama
KAITLYNMARIA, My Victorian Yankee grand mother counted the number of times each bite was masticated, so, yeah it's very old fashioned.
I knew this was the right answer, as the word is mentioned in Sandra Bullock film Miss Congeniality. When I asked my family, they didn't know, so i guess it's an old's fashioned term.
Player #4250921
Knew this from watching Arachnophobia
Player #2951755
Tah I’m m
I remember that from Two and a Half Men.