Who played Léon in "Léon: The Professional"?
Correct answer: Jean Reno

love this movie

WilledGazelle9, yes, it's very well made and he is perfect for the part. Great actor.

This is one of the best films I've ever seen in my life, and it's sad that it's not as well known as it deserves to be.

One of my favorite movies, amaizing actors!

* Seshati *
Loved him in the big blue too oooh his accent so good 😊

lol Ad break during The De Vinci Code... ! with Jean Reno for those who haven't seen it. Both excellent movies.

we need to make part 2 with the girl taking over from him that would be a hit .

Ahmin Walker
A very humorous drama!

Padme Amidala!!! This film is amazing, Gary Oldman was once again terrific but Jean Reno stole the show he was outstanding!

monty, she is too busy now promoting perfume

Excellent movie. Love all 3 of the main stars. And another fabulous movie directed by Luc Besson.

monty, YES!!!! Let's get all the fans to write the director & actors! mayB there could even be a part for Reno... as in flashbacks of things he taught Mathilda (that were behind the scenes) in the first film??!!

Sharon , oh, Sharon.... it IS well known, for those select few that understand & appreciate great film!

monty, that's an excellent idea! 👍

I love it also

Player #14993519.
Taramaiden, Durn it,,,I missed another one, cuz I don’t watch movies,,,I only watch history documentaries and Football 🏈,,so I have to guess a lot here but like the quiz game,,