Which of Jesus' parables was about showing mercy to the injured man, without regard to his origins?
Correct answer: Parable of the Good Samaritan

I think it means don't worry about a persons creed, colour or station in life, just help each other regardless.

Player Meyer
It is a great example for us all to remember to be ready to help others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I love Jesus my savior.

Player Eeyore
The Good Samaritan is one of my favorite Bible Stories. I love Jesus ❤️. He is my Savior and my King. I'm grateful for His example, "Come follow me."

It would behoove certain Pseudo-Christian people to remember this parable. They seem to have forgotten what Jesus said were the 2 most important rules. 😑

Jesus is amazing!!!

Sunday School definitely paid off👏🏾

we all should be

Player #598872
Trukdryverchuck, l love that parable. help one another.

little b
I've not heard of the parable of the good Samaritans

Mars V
I believe it was Jesus’ response to the question, “And who is my neighbor?”

Can I hear an AMAN people's!

Helpanyone that needs our help, when it’s in our power to do so. Random acts of kindness; A Good Samaritan.

I DONTUNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE THINK OF EVERY SCRIPTUREIN THE BIBLE AS ANALLEGORY. NOTEVERYTHING JESUS STATED, especially parables was an allegory. Im thinking of the story Jesus told about the rich man and Lazarus.

RushMama2112, You ain't kidding! 👏

Player Flamenco girl
Player flash 56, Yes there are many dangerous cults. look at the ever expanding cult that is spreading and getting rid of ANYONE who doesn't follow their belief. the one that beheads non believers, then leave the true God alone because he only teaches love

Player Flamenco girl
dai.laffin, The word came from God. There are things in the Bible IMPOSSIBLE to know, especially at that time. Revelations reads as an up to date news report. If you put some time in, read it for yourself, you wouldn't be skeptical. Time is short

Player Flamenco girl
goo, But if you did follow him, you would learn beautiful things. God bless

Player Flamenco girl
Player #7200338, did you bother when Obama said the first thing he was going to do when he became president was build the wall!! or the fact that Mexico built their own border!! Bet you didn't!

hoa hoa
sorry for my grammar😅

hoa hoa
sorry but this is not a question for some for people in regions who don't following Jesus