What is the Southern Lapwing known for?
Correct answer: All options are correct

One of the option says it lays its eggs on the ground instead of making a nest and another option says it defends its nest. then how all 3 answers are correct? if anyone can explain, please do. Thankyou

a lot like a kildeer

I know, I know. I've been playing long enough to know use "all the above" answer; but the "deforestation" answer threw me. C'mon what bird actually benefits from loss of forests?

YawningOracle52771, said it lays eggs in a ground scrape which is the nest since eggs are in it

little b
I've not heard of the southern lapwing

How does the southern lapwing defend a nest that according to your criteria it never had in the first place

When there is an option that all options are correct, or none, almost everytime that is the correct choice.

Player #25874027
Try birds which do not live in forests

Dieu linh
Gioi qua

Keertiuno, Yes they build their nests on the ground. So they have to defend the babies from the enemies such as foxes, snakes and other larger birds.

Player #15908167
quicksilver, not alot

Player #15908167
Arohanui, who's lonley