Captain Nemo is a fictional character created by which author?
Correct answer: Jules Verne
Player #9043571
OldHitman92611, agreed, also around the world in eighty days
Mysterious Island is a personal fave...I love the DETAILS of how those men went from sandy, confused, and without " THE BASICS ", to 'prosperous' in their survival....and, WA LA -- NEMO !! Also love the silly movies, SO dramatic...was it Kirk Douglas who was so buff? A time-consuming read, but if you want to ESCAPE from a prison, whatever the walls may be made of....a true winner....saved me in countless ways.... Thank you JV
Brecca, Yesss!! It is!
Isn't that a picture of Timothy Osmundson?
Captain Nemo was originally going to be Polish. Verne’s editor changed it to make him Indian.