In which war was Israel victorious?
Correct answer: 6 Day War

Player #5513970
I got it right. But all wars are horrible no matter what war it is

Gary, Right!? Seriously people why be so petty? Clearly you knew what they were asking. Have you never made a small grammatical error before? Your criticisms have nothing to do with the question and it was still perfectly understandable!

Big Blue Narwhal, - The Jewish, Hebrew, GOD'S chosen people, or whatever "label" is placed on them; they are blessed & cursed at the same time. They are hated for no good reason (there's never a good reason for hate), and to an neutral party looking at the situation, they are often given an accidental, seemingly undeserved higher status than other peoples equally deserving. Does my comment make sense to anyone other than myself?

the question only left out the word "was" and so many couldn't understand it??...come on think!!

Player #426024
learn some grammar please.

Player #426024, I almost ran out of time just try to make sense of the question.

Big Blue Narwhal, that war was not started by Israel. it was one of their holiest days and they were attacked while all electronics, radios were off. get your facts straight.

Player #426024, Grammar? You should have started your statement with a capital L in Learn, grammatically speaking of course.

Israel was only involved in one of options so it was rather easy Question

Oh, there is a typo. It should be Israhell!

and yet they still fighting

I don't like Israel

Player #5513970, never heard of it, answered correctly though

Gary, is that necessary? its not evryday that we use that lingo we have our own language. are we on grammar 101 here?

Don't mess with Israel.

Player #2018599
When which replaces what, then there is no for was.

I was in Israel when this event occured

Player #22496095
Gandour, the he'll u say. I'm sure Israelites would strongly disagree

no wonder why Israel is also considered strong country

* Seshati *
Aghh typos case & point especially when posting from this little phone I have auto correct sometimes, well it’s not so correct lol!

* Seshati *
Haha yeah true the grammar of the question is jumbled lol I just commented on the last question I had & realised after I posted aghhh typos (again) it seems they’re never seen till it’s too late, Especially in this darn little photo I’m on haha.

Player #17274946
Big Blue Narwhal, 😂😂

A disgrace ! Indeed

Player #MrMystere
Misplaced "was".

I speak gooder now

( Snail Darter)
Player #426024, Depending on what country that the writer is from, the same rules of grammar and syntax sometimes are very different.....

ThickerRailway2, you are confusing the wars. You are talking about the Yom Kippur war six years later

Worded incorrectly yet I was able to overcome it and answered correctly!

Player #426024, thanks for saying that! It hurt my brain trying to read it. Lol

JezzerLX, huh?? Not sure what you are trying to say.

Sweet Senior, Excellent. I'd like you.

JezzerLX, you are right... war can never be a victory