What is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official?
Correct answer: Impeachment

elect a CLOWN ...expect a circus

Peter Montgomery
ChewyGazelle68623, he's not just an embarrassment he is a liar, cheat, aggressor, abusive, criminal with crimes that would lock him way for life. one of too many such people in politics and leaders across the world. and the more they get away with things the worse Society they create and others following behaviours. still if every one of us here and now does one good thing at least once a day we can make difference and change for good

Player #4250921
They have been trying to impeach Trump since day one. Waste of time if you ask me. The election is only one year away. If the voters decide they don't want him for another four years than they can let their voices be heard then.

Player #2757448
Player #4263904, Totally agree. Trump is going to be impeached and in years to come people will ask why we allowed him to get away with so much. Trump abuses his power daily not just with Ukraine. Justice is catching up. Democracy is threatened but we are better than Trump. Truth will prevail.

when you scroll down to the comments because you know this question is going to be causing some stuff 😂🍿

peter kilmartin, the Beast Was Not Elected by popular vote.

lily 21, but graft, extortion, fraud and obstruction are. And that's just what we know about.

GruffSecretAgent9936, but it really looks as though the system needs adjustment now ... unless it's OK to have a head of state who has 17 charges of rape against him? At least 2 of which he paid off. Even his previous wife wrote in her autobiography that he raped her... and that is the attitude of aggressive entitlement that Donald Trump brings to everything he does.

ZyggyStardust, would you really exchange your values for monetary value? When his decisions to bring back coal and ignore 2000 scientists advice on climate change... when food is scarce will you eat money? when there are water wars will you drink oil? when the whole atmosphere is so polluted and the Amazon rainforest is gone will you breathe dollars? And will you condemn your grandchildren to this kind of life so you can have a few more dollars in your pocket today? Making the economy, money and profit our only goal is completely out of balance with a good life. everyone knows this

Player #2757448, if you don't like your freedom there are plenty of government run countries to choose from.

You have to indict before you can impeach

Player #123495549
Crazee, Much better than the CRIMINAL who preceeded him! Thanks for asking!

Player #123495549
VividPotion6704, Very well said!!

MissScarlet99, is it REAL freedom? and at what cost?

Player #2757448, Wow, I didn't know this was a clueless demon-rat's game. So how's FJB doing for you sheep?

Hillary Tan
I wonder if they ate peaches 😆

funniest thing about impeachment: has never been used

Player #2757448, your comment didn't age well 🙄

Player #25874027
He didn’t , the College did

Player en_846
It's all about controlling power. It's no way to govern.