Which mushroom is in the picture?
Correct answer: The death cap

in France you can take the mushrooms you've picked to the pharmacist for safe identification. I took my collection along to the village pharmacist feeling quite sure they were all OK because I had a book... and he said NON! to them all! I learnt a lot!

Player ninaraewln, the mushroom you ate to get high was called psilocybin

There are only a few species of mushroom which I feel familiar enough with to pick: chanterelle, oyster, morel and chicken-of-the-woods. I know well what every phase of the death cap looks like so I can avoid it.

* Seshati *
A joke I heard once: - A mushroom went into a bar and saw some algae at a table. He went up to one and said "You're lookin' all gal to me." She looked him over and said "And you look like a fun guy." and they took a liken to each other. Haha gotta love silly jokes.

Player #4250921
Mushroom hunting is practically a sport where I live.

I love fungi and a great source of vitamin D. If you put them on your window sill, they'll build up much greater levels of this essential vitamin and will store it, even when you put them back in the fridge.
An old Italian guy told me that, if you fry wild mushrooms with a whole clove of garlic and it turns black, you've got poisonous ones amongst them

morels are simply magnificent! the safe ones have hollow stems, but false morels are solid

Player #25874027
* Seshati *, “took a lichen to each other”

Steve Reekie
It's always good to raise awareness of these things. I'm a fungi photographer and amateur mycologist btw

Steve Reekie
VividPotion6704, Wow. I'm surprised pharmacists would know their mushrooms that well.

Lindy Loo
Steve Reekie, They test them silly!!

I love hunting for puffballs, a delicious, round, white mushroom. Unfortunately, another mushroom mimics it, and I missed the signs. After eating a part of the skin, I was deathly ill for a straight 24 hrs I vomited yellow bile until my stomach muscles screamed in pain.

T Termite
Steve Reekie, perhaps in that part of the world mushroom identification is part of their training?
Personally, I would not risk picking wild mushrooms. Our family did when I was a kid but I was trusting of my mother’s knowledge. Nowadays I let the experts pick them and buy then in a supermarket on the rare occasion I want them. I really do not like them.

* Seshati *, Those who are not getting Seshati's joke, look up the word "lichen" (liken-used in the joke). Hahaha

The safest mushroom to pick is candarell because it's twin is not poisonous.

Player #87342334
This cannot be good for my pizza orders.

I wonder what the Pharmacist at Walgreens would say? 🤔 😂😂

Don’t have to worry about me dying of eating mushrooms, I can’t stand them

there are a lot of varieties of mushrooms in British Columbia.

l love mushrooms

I wonder if these were the ones that the little girl in the Beguiled with the great Clint Eastwood who was poisoned with mushrooms, I find it amazing how I remember things of my fav. films.

Player #10378221
Player #10381263 ber, i do that to blacks !

2 died.... sorry had a Internet burp here so could not alter it

Read a that's life story in readers digest once 4 people on a walk by the river picked some mushrooms and went home to add them to dinner before bed all 4 were in hodpital w died the other 2 were in desperate need if liver transplants

Player #4250921, extreme sport!!

Player #4003526, amen

OldHitman92611, careful with that. I saw a show where two kids did that and died.