Which bird in nature flies at the highest elevations?
Correct answer: Ruppells Vulture

It's a Canada Goose, not Canadian.

Player #24283909
Player Freewoman, I just read The Elephant Whisperer. Poachers don't like vultures because they signal authorities that there has been a killing.

SC WizKid
Wow! love bird questions!

Player #20394261
Player Freewoman, the authorities follow the viltures circling looking for evidence.

Player #27634436
It is a Canada Goose, not Canadian.

InsidiousFeet27, I agree. its bad enough thr poacher are killing the 🐘's. dang why not leave all the animals alone!!!

Player #45887191
Jonathan, here, in Canada, we just call them Canada goose or geese. Some people call them hissing cobra chickens though🤣🤣🤣

Jonathan, I’m a Canadian and the correct term is Canada goose

brewofqi, Yes that’s correct. It also is named after a person with the last name Canada.

Player #46791793
Tinty, it is monetary reality that rules the world more than idealism, unfortunately.

Player #46791793
Player: Coco, not many prop planes can even attempt such high altitude as the air gets so thin the lift and thrust are both diminished by this factor.

Player #46791793
Player #45887191, As a boy the neighbor was a circuit court judge and raised his own Canada geese in large coops. they drove my mom mad with their honking and squaking at any hour deay of the day/night.

Player #45887191
Player #24283909, that is so sad.

There's another bird species that flies over the Himalayas on there migration. Cranes i think.

why can't we reply to each other's posts, like you could with QuizUp. Can learn even more from each other.

Ozzy, Ivory can't be eaten, and the poachers certainly wouldn't leave thier 'prize' behind.

Player: Coco, I really think the birds would be well aware of a plane close by. Bird strike would probably make the plane crash, not just prop aircraft. A jet engine would ingest the bird, usually catastrophic.

Player Freewoman, It signals that a dead animal is there. the carcass of a dead elephant, killed for it's tusks.

Player #24283909, was wondering what the connection was

Player: Coco
Wonder if we lose a lot of them to airplane propellers too (flying that high).

Player #32537275
brewofqi, of yes

I found this to be very disturbing. Similar to the ignorance of bears!

Player #15775339, Why is Canadian Goose wrong ?
surely that pertains to the fact its from Canada ?

brewofqi, On Cape Cod, Canadian Goose is standard.fyi.

Player #15823276
they eat the poisoned carcass.

Laudy Miss Claudy
Player Freewoman, Kill the vultures to get them out of the way so that the poachers can saw off the ivory tusks because the poachers are in a hurry and afraid of being caught.